Monday, June 1, 2009


So things have been better in the West/Peterson household. Jimmy left a little while ago to go on yet another underway. Whoever said this gets easier with time lies...because it sucks....still. We had such a fantastic time together while he was home. He took a 4 day weekend so we could get some stuff done around the house and just "be" together. We even got to go see a concert! Coldplay, on the lawn, under the stars...I couldn't have asked for a more perfect evening. Of course just when things are going perfectly, God likes to chuck a wrench in there. Jimmy's grandmother passed away and I had to let him know via a Red Cross message. It's times like these that I wish he wasn't in the Navy because he really should be with his family right now. On top of that we're dealing with the rumor mill that comes with being in the military. Rumors in general are never fun to deal with in a relationship...but it's even worse when you can't talk to your significant other right away to fix things. Luckily, we were able to talk briefly when he called home and things are on their way to being resolved. Relationships aren't easy but the Navy definitely makes it more difficult. We'll push on through it though.
Other than that I've been trying to keep myself busy by catching up with friends, doing things around the house, and attempting to exercise. I realized that my wedding is in 5 months and I really need to get a move on. I'm hoping to have some sort of result, even if it's only toning my "lunch lady" arms lol. I hope everyone is enjoying their summer and staying positive :)

1 comment:

Joe and Samantha said...

Ugh- The Navy!
Two thumbs down.

:) Two thumbs up for 5 month countdown.YAY