Saturday, November 13, 2010

Deployment Recap- Week 25

Emotional: Pretty good! Despite a few problems with school I managed to end the week on a happy note :)

Physical: Still doing the dvd...haven't gotten sick yet either and don't plan on it! I think my face finally decided to stop breaking out all the time too.

Communication: The husband was on some island in the middle of nowhere for a few days. We got to talk quite a bit. I felt bad that the first time he calls I'm crying over crap at school, but in true Jimmy fashion he makes me feel better immediately.

What's something fun you did this week: So much shopping! I feel the need to buy lots of new clothes before I go on's a problem.

What are you looking forward to next week: I'm going to NY next weekend for my best friend's son, Collin's first birthday! I can't believe a year went by already.

What made you happy this week: Talking to my husband. He always knows what to say to make me feel better. We kind of mapped out a one year plan too (mostly i did, because I'm crazy like that and need to plan ahead)

What made you sad/mad this week: School. The powers that be tried to tell me I couldn't take this course I need next semester because I have to take another class before it. Well, neither one of my advisors told me nor is it stated on my planned program of study. After begging and pleading I got them to override it. I hate how nothing is made clear over there.

What do you miss the most: I'm looking forward to breathing again; to not feel like I'm constantly on edge or wound up. So yes, breathing, can't wait.

How's Floyd and Layla this week: Floyd keeps dropping his bone in the magazine rack and can't get it back out. He does this at least once a day. I'm about ready to throw the bone out.

Pictures from this week: Woke up to this on Monday.........ARGH!

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