Thursday, February 26, 2009

Letter to my Congressman

"To the Honorable Joe Courtney,
It has recently been brought to my attention that in the Congressional Budget Office report (Budget Options, Volume 1: Healthcare, December 2008) suggestions have been made to force military families to pay more for their healthcare. It also stated that military retirees should pay more for their healthcare as well. On each page pros and cons were listed, yet one major con was left out. Members of our military stay in until retirement for the healthcare benefits. If this budget is passed, you will have soldiers dropping out of the military like flies and I guarantee that you won't be able to maintain a well-staffed military in any of the branches. My husband is a 9 year submariner and the only reason he is staying in until retirement is for the Tricare for life benefits. I am asking you to please take the ramifications of this proposed budget into consideration, and vote against any rising healthcare costs to military families. Sincerely, Stephanie West "

Obviously I made some changes to my name but the message still stands clear. Granted this is only a PROPOSED way to cut spending...I don't believe any of this has been brought to a vote. They are just going over ways to cut federal spending on a lot of things. Either way, I figured I would make my voice heard. You can read the entire proposed budget here:
The page dealing specifically with military healthcare is on page 189.
I urge all of you to write to your congressman/woman to make sure that this won't happen.
(See all of my conservative friends...I'm not a complete liberal hippie ;)


Anonymous said...

i continually get e-mail from his office. it's actually quite annoying.

Stephanie said...

Haha does that mean I shouldn't write to my congressman?
It's all politics...they want your vote!

Anonymous said...

oh. no! not saying that. it's my fault for writing to him to complain about something. i got on their e-mail list after that i guess. lol

oh and i just got hired by another doula client. she's due march 30th. =)

Stephanie said...

Yay!! Well you know how to reach me :) If you don't have my number it's 376-3929

Joe and Samantha said...

I wrote as well. Something very similar.


d.fine09 said...

Found you via the WW boards. Hope you don't mind me commenting.

This was very insightful. I am a military spouse and the idea of this frightens me. My husband stays in for some of the same reasons and we have a son with special needs. He will need care beyond my husband's military service. I will have to investigate this more deeply. Thank you for bringing it to my attention.