Friday, June 4, 2010

Deployment Recap- Week 2

Emotional: Good! I spent some time in the garden and got to see SATC2 with a good friend. I did get a little sad while watching Roswell (my favorite show growing up, Jimmy bought me the first two seasons) when a guy in a tux was dancing with a girl and it reminded me of dancing with my husband at our wedding. Other than that, I've been great!

Physical: Not as good as the other week. I've still been exercising but I've been so tired lately. I get up at 6, go to school, get home at 1, and crash...and I'm getting about 7 hours of sleep at night. I'm hoping my body is just adjusting to morning classes and I'm not coming down with something.

Communication: Much better! I've had a few emails this week and both of us are in good spirits. We're anxious for the first port call so we can skype together.

What's something fun you did this week: I went to a new breakfast place with Heather and we perused through the local nursery, each picking out different herbs so we could share.

What are you looking forward to next week: Hmmm...I don't have anything planned besides school. Maybe finishing my puzzle or finding someone to install my ceiling fans for less than $1,000.

What made you happy this week: Getting a 3.58 for the spring semester. I don't think I ever pulled that off as an undergrad. Oh, and starting summer school. I'm taking a class on King Arthur and another on developmental psychology. Both are interesting...and my psych professor is kinda hot in a nerdy way so that makes the class much better!

What made you sad this week: Getting a B in my testing class. I worked really hard on my testing project and thought I did a good job. Apparently she didn't.

What do you miss the most: Hearing my husband randomly breaking out into song.

How's Floyd and Layla this week: They are both enjoying the great outdoors! Layla got into a hissing match with a neighborhood cat who wandered into our yard. Layla won :)

Pictures from this week: Here are some pics from the plants around my house. We have a lot of roses and I planted a bunch of veggies (zucchini, lettuce, peppers, tomato, green beans, onions, and herbs)

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