Sunday, July 11, 2010

Deployment Recap- Week 7

Emotional: Pretty good. Saying goodbye to Jimmy via skype kind of blew...but, what can you do? My brain hurt after writing all of my papers last weekend..but those are over and my online class is starting and it looks to be a cake walk.

Physical: I was doing ok. I only lost a pound but at least it is something. I plan on going to the gym this week since i have oodles of free time but that is after I pay a trip to the doc tomorrow. I woke up with my left eye swollen and it hurts like a mofo. So it's either pink eye or some problem with my tear duct...sweet!

Communication: Not that great since he went back out to sea. I got my first email from him today and I'm sure I won't get many more cause they'll be busy doing secret submarine crap.

What's something fun you did this week: I went to the fireworks at Sailfest with Heather last night. Probably the best display I have ever seen. We had a good time people watching.

What are you looking forward to next week: NOT driving to New Britain. Other than that..I am free to do whatever. I think i might try to meet with a personal trainer on base or try one of the exercise classes.

What made you happy this week: Buying new flowers and seeing that I FINALLY have a baby tomato growing. It really doesn't take much to make me happy.

What made you sad/mad this week: husband trying to skype me after he had a few. I refuse to talk to him when he's drunk. So, he set his alarm for 4am and called me when he got sober. Oh, and not being able to get into the doctor's today because it's Sunday and the clinic isn't open. And crying while watching Bethenny Getting Married...I'm a loser who misses her husband.

What do you miss the most: Having some help around here! Seriously..pulling weeds is a two person job!

How's Floyd and Layla this week: Layla has been refusing to come in at night so she has slept outside last night because I refused to chase after her..HA! I just bought Floyd a spill proof water bowl...I'm sick of cleaning up after his splash-a-thons

Pictures from this week: None cause my internet connection is a piece of crap...grr

1 comment:

Mrs. B said...

OMG I cried watching BGM? too!!!