Saturday, September 4, 2010

Deployment Recap- Week 15

Emotional: Not bad. I got a really nice letter in the mail that Jimmy sent before he left last time he was in Bahrain. It was really sweet and romantic and totally out of nowhere :)

Physical: YAY...lost 3.6 pounds this past week! I don't know what I'm doing differently but something is finally working. I've cut my gym days from 4 to 2 and am keeping track of calories instead of points for my upcoming meeting with a dietician. So cross your fingers that this keeps going so I can look super sexy when I go visit Jimmy.

Communication: Skype, skype and more skype. It's really weird being able to talk to him this often. As long as this doesn't change homecoming or when I'm going out to see him (so far that isn't a problem) I'm a happy camper.

What's something fun you did this week: Halfway dinner was nice. Jimmy's video message to me was hilarious and his mustache was in full force. It was nice catching up with everyone. I also went back to school this week and I have a very busy semester ahead of me. I'm so grateful I don't have to work.

What are you looking forward to next week: Um...hmm...more skyping? I don't have much going on other than school. Oh, my parents are coming up for the night.

What made you happy this week: Seeing my friends from school. We're all a bunch of nerds and we get along well.

What made you sad/mad this week: I'm realizing that people cause me serious anxiety, so I'm learning to say "fuck it" and washing my hands of the whole thing. Oh, and Hurricane Earl was the lamest rainstorm I've ever dealt with. I was so excited for some crazy rain/winds. LAME.

What do you miss the most: Waking up to him curled up next to me. Normally, I hate this because I don't like being touched while I'm sleeping...but I'm at the point where I would welcome it.

How's Floyd and Layla this week: Floyd got a shave and a bath so he doesn't smell like ass anymore. Layla needs to stop shedding everywhere.

Pictures from this week:'s been a boring week.

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