Saturday, October 9, 2010

Deployment Recap- Week 20!!

Emotional: Doing better now that I've talked to my husband for a while while he was in port. I was mad at first (mostly because the boat pulled in early and he tried calling me while I was at the renn fair, even though I emailed him to say I was going to be gone for the day) but I felt better after we talked for a while and he, after some persuading, agreed that it would be good to come out and visit him. So now I have something to look forward to before homecoming :)

Physical: I've been trying to stay on target with WW and just started Jillian Michaels' 30 day shred to give me an added kick in the butt before I go see my husband

Communication: Good :) He had a hotel room so we were able to skype when he got done with work and right before he left for work. He was really good about trying to call me.

What's something fun you did this week: I went to a pizza place with Heather at the casino yesterday and had my makeup done at the bare essentials store. I found the perfect shade of pin-up red lipstick to wear when Jimmy comes home :)

What are you looking forward to next week: My aunt is coming for a few days, and I should be able to start my research study.

What made you happy this week: Talking to my husband...he makes me laugh :)

What made you sad/mad this week: Nothing really...I think my vertigo has been acting up lately. I've been feeling puky without throwing up...usually a sign of vertigo for me so I'll have to make sure I don't make any quick head movements for a while.

What do you miss the most: I know this might be tmi but I'm seriously concerned about having sex for the first time in over 6 yeah, i miss sex on a semi-regular basis.

How's Floyd and Layla this week: After a bunch of rain it's finally been nice enough to let Floyd out on his run. Layla ripped a mouse in half and started eating it in front of me. Under normal circumstances I would have stopped her but those evil things live in my shed and destroy stuff so I want them all dead :)

Pictures from this week: This is only the beginning of my halloween decor!

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