Sunday, October 24, 2010

Deployment Recap- Week 22

Emotional: Not bad... this week went by really quickly so I'm not sure I had time to evaluate my emotional state.

Physical: I've been walking the dog until my mole thing completely heals then it's back to Jillian Michaels' crazy workout

Communication: Finally got a few emails. Apparently there has been a problem with sailor mail. He's been very sweet and lovey-dovey with me. I think he misses home

What's something fun you did this week: I got together with Sarah and Amanda @ Amanda's house and we had dinner, chatted, and drank wine. It was nice to have a low-key girls' night

What are you looking forward to next week: Halloween!

What made you happy this week: Getting emails from my husband.

What made you sad/mad this week: Being stuck in the middle of drama that I didn't create, yet am damned if I do/damned if I don't. My husband really just needs to come home so I can be around some testosterone. My schedule for next semester is going to be a little weird as well...those jerks decided to start night classes later...thanks guys!

What do you miss the most: Everything

How's Floyd and Layla this week: Layla has been a pain and doesn't want to come in at night, causing me to go out and look for her. Floyd is Floyd.

Pictures from this week: Nada

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